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We are professional and competitive at Allen (Hex) Wrench Keys, Screwdrivers, based on Chrome Vanadium (CRV) Alloy Steel, High Carbon Steel, etc.And we can also bring you quality ACME(Trapezoidal) Threaded Rods, at a good pricing, with better quality.Shanghai Landmark Hardwares Manufacturing Co.,Ltd has been manufacturing, sourcing and packing quality fasteners and hardware items to Clients worldwide since the foundation in 2001.
Just take a glance at our categories!
Our products are brought to you directly through our own qualified and professional manufacturers with competitive pricing, better quality level.
To guarantee excellent quality to you, we have adequate Testing Facilities, such like: Vickers Hardness Tester,Projector,Tensile Testing Machines,and Salt Spray Tester.
We are proud and confident in after sales
![五金零配件外贸英文网站建设 五金零配件外贸英文网站建设](/mq163com/htmledit/attached/image/20171116/20171116121876837683.jpg)
上海网站建设 安排公司从业5年多的网站设计师作为五金零配件外贸英文网站建设的负责人。从网站建设风格到网站程序开发全程负责。经过双方的紧密配合,外贸英文网站已经建设完成,正式上线访问。
We are professional and competitive at Allen (Hex) Wrench Keys, Screwdrivers, based on Chrome Vanadium (CRV) Alloy Steel, High Carbon Steel, etc.And we can also bring you quality ACME(Trapezoidal) Threaded Rods, at a good pricing, with better quality.Shanghai Landmark Hardwares Manufacturing Co.,Ltd has been manufacturing, sourcing and packing quality fasteners and hardware items to Clients worldwide since the foundation in 2001.
Just take a glance at our categories!
Our products are brought to you directly through our own qualified and professional manufacturers with competitive pricing, better quality level.
To guarantee excellent quality to you, we have adequate Testing Facilities, such like: Vickers Hardness Tester,Projector,Tensile Testing Machines,and Salt Spray Tester.
We are proud and confident in after sales
![五金零配件外贸英文网站建设 五金零配件外贸英文网站建设](/mq163com/htmledit/attached/image/20171116/20171116121876837683.jpg)
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下一篇: 工业器材专业网站由上海网站制作公司承建
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